Friday, October 3, 2008


I have been one busy girl. This is the time of year that I dread. The next 12 weeks leading up to Christmas will be absolutely insane for me. It’s October and I’m still working on August weddings. I hate being behind on my work. It’s my number one worry that keeps me up at night. I would love to deliver my work faster to my clients but it’s impossible. I tend to be overly optimistic about how much I can actually get done in a day. I get angry at myself when I can’t achieve my unrealistic deadlines. What’s a girl to do? Thanks for letting me vent!

Coming soon on this blog….

August 16, August 23 and September 13 weddings

An engagement session and a baby session

Photos from a project that I did for the Elmira College Cheerleaders

Plus photos from my upcoming fall weddings.

Check back often for new work!

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