Tuesday, August 19, 2008

July 12, 2008

I have once again fallen behind on my post-production work. It seems to be a curse. No matter how hard I try, or how many extra hours I put in, I always seem to fall behind this time of year. The good news is that I will be back on track very soon!

Amanda and Ken were wed on July 12, 2008 at St Peter & Paul Ukrainian Church. A reception followed at Anthony’s Mediterranean Grill in Richland.

A few photos at the salon. Makin Waves is the best at up dos.

Amanda and her sister sharing the mirror as they do make-up.

The Dress. Love the 2 tone. Her shoes matched perfectly.

The bridesmaids wore cute black tea length dresses

It's quite a process to get into a wedding gown. It often requires a lot of help.

I love the expression from Amanda's dad in the right hand corner.

All Dressed

The Beautiful Bride!

A fun family photo

On our way to the church

Watch out...here comes the rice!

Riding in Style

How cute

The perfect dip

My dad caught this photo of me in action...I was shooting Amanda and Ken's wedding rings.

1 comment:

Evan said...

jill - lots of great photos here. it looked like you had fun. i like the pic of you taking pics. it would be an interesting perspective to see more photos like that.