Monday, June 2, 2008

Misc. Monday

Last week completely threw me off with Memorial Day on Monday. I taught my intermediate digital photography class on Tuesday and Thursday at UPJ. I now have a break from teaching until the fall.

It’s official…Dad and I are on the schedule to present at the Triangle Photographers Association during the Fall Convention. I’m very excited! I love to teach and share what I know, but I am also a little nervous to stand up and speak in front of my peers. There are a ton of ultra talented photographers who attend the convention. I look up to many of them for their talents and success in the photo business. This is a great opportunity and honor for our studio! The Hancock Family will be sharing how we work as a family business and specialize in special event photography (sports, high school seniors and weddings).

What the duck? There is a comic strip geared towards photographers. I will be sharing some of my favorites from time to time. Today’s comic is very fitting. I just found out today that our summer intern is schedule to start tomorrow. I will introduce you all to Stephanie later this week.

Have a great week! I will be posting photos from my May 24 wedding very soon!

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