Sunday, May 11, 2008

May 10, 2008

I officially kicked off my wedding season yesterday with a beautiful spring wedding. Lauren and Terry were wed at the Whalley Memorial Chapel at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown campus. A reception followed at the Masonic Temple in Johnstown. Below are a few of my favorites photos from the day.

The Beautiful Bride

Terry and his adorable son Grant

The Happy Family!

We were very lucky to have this tree in full bloom.

The wedding party

This is the same photo....I like it in both black and white and color.

We stopped for a few country photos...

Check back later this week for more photos from Lauren and Terry's wedding!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jill, those look great! They are going to be thrilled. I love the one in the field of them him carrying her away, I think its my favorite. I think it could be a winner. :o)