Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Former President Bill Clinton….

I’m not big into politics. Typically I try to stay away from discussing politics or religion but this is a really big deal. Have you heard that former President Bill Clinton will be in Johnstown tomorrow? I have always wanted to hear him speak. President Clinton will be supporting his wife's campaign tomorrow afternoon during a rally at Johnstown High School. My dad and I are going to try to attend. It is a free event and open to the public until they fill up the high school gym. This is going to be huge….nothing exciting ever happens in Johnstown!

I am supporting Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton for President. I think it is time we have a strong, powerful, women represent this country. It would also be nice if Hillary had the help and support of two charming men such as the former President Bill Clinton as 1st husband and Barack Obama as VP.


Anonymous said...

I agree. It would be interesting to have Hillary as our president. I have to work tomorrow. I would like to hear what he has to say. Take lots of photos.

Jill said...

I will take a bunch of photos if I'm allowed. Does anyone know what the policy is regarding cameras?

Evan said...

just say you work for a photography company on assignment and i bet you'll be able to get a press pass. i've done that before to get passes to events at concerts... but then again, this is the hilary clinton and maybe things are little different in this situation.

Jill said...

Hey Evan...I was already considering the press idea. Now if I can just be as charming as Veronica Mars...